Reporting from the Republican and Democratic National Conventions

August 23 — Chicago
Story by McKenna Schonbrun
TRT: 1:35
Lower Thirds:
8;14 – Aria Miller, Young Democrat
40;09 – Randon Sprinkle, Virginia Delegate
1;03 – Jasmine Wynn, Young Democrat
1:13;21 - McKenna Schonbrun, Reporter
1:21;16 - Tina Barchik, Virginia Delegate
VO: Young voters here at the Democratic National Convention are trying to push environmental issues to the top of party leaders to-do list.
SOT: climate is really impacting our future because a lot of people in congress and senate right now are kind of like on the older side and they’re not as concerned as the younger generations are, because the older generation, they’re not going to exist in the future when the climate is really gonna get bad but we will be.
VO: Miller was among the dozens of young Democrats who ... at an environment and climate crisis caucus meeting during this week’s Democratic National Convention. These are issues Virginia Democratic delegates plan to emphasize when they get home.
SOT: Our eastern shore, making sure like the shoreline stays there, we continue to see growth and expansion and food access.
SOT: if we don’t have a planet to live on, or a planet to partake on in any form or fashion we’re not going to be here much longer
VO: Young Democrats are hopeful for what democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris can do to address the climate crisis.
SOT: When you look at her record, she was one of the first initial co-sponsors of the green new deal resolution. When she was serving as attorney general she founded a whole environmental justice unit which was prosecuting big polluters, so she clearly has a record of being hard on climate.
VO: In the meantime, though, these Democrats say they first need harris to win … and listen to their calls for protecting the environment.
SOT: if we dont do something now, it won’t change. Change happens, you have to start today.
From Chicago, I’m McKenna Schonbrun
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